• ECOLight

    Katie recently attended “ECOLight” – a European Union Foresight Workshop for ‘horizon planning’ at the University of Pisa from 16th-23rd January 2020. The workshop was hosted by Dr Elena Maggi and Professor Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi (Vice Rector) in the Department of Biology. The topic of workshop was “Emergent impacts on coastal areas: adding the role of […]

  • Grant success with City of Sydney!

    A Sydney Harbour Research Program initiative led by Dr Ana Bugnot to develop end-of-pipe bioremediation for stormwater pollution has been awarded a City of Sydney Innovation Grant. This is part of our larger research theme of sediment rehabilitation for healthy harbours. Sydney Harbour provides important socio-economic amenities and supports significant biodiversity, but the health of […]

  • Effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity: impacts and solutions

    Bishop, M.J., Mayer-Pinto, M., Airoldi, L., Firth, L.B., Morris, R.L., Loke, L.H.L., Hawkins, S.J., Naylor, L.A., Coleman, R.A., Chee, S.Y. and Dafforn, K.A. (in press) Effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity: impacts and solutions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Abstract The growing number of artificial structures in estuarine, coastal and marine environments […]


Lab success at the Postgraduate Research Forum

Congratulations Katelyn!  Awarded the 2013 Best PhD Thesis from the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.   And further to that success, Keryn Bain received the Best Ecology Presentation Award. Well done Keryn!

Congratulations SEE lab Honours students

As of 12 noon today, our honours students will be released from their desk shackles and allowed back into the sunlight after 10 months hard work in the field and lab to produce excellent theses on a variety of topics.  A wonderful achievement by all. Aria Lee – Reproductive strategy and gamete development in an […]

MSCI2001 Fieldtrip 2013

The 2013 fieldtrip for the Introductory Marine Science course took place in early October at SIMS, Chowder Bay.  It was an early start in the water with Rochelle Johnston and Penny McCracken taking groups for a snorkel induction before sampling. Jaz Lawes led her team of snorkellers to the Chowder Bay swim net to investigate […]