A biomarker of contaminant exposure is effective in large scale assessment of ten estuaries

Katelyn J. Edge, Katherine A. Dafforn, Stuart L. Simpson, Anthony C. Roach, Emma L. Johnston (2014) A biomarker of contaminant exposure is effective in large scale assessment of ten estuaries. Chemosphere 100:16-26. Abstract Cost-effective and sensitive measures of anthropogenic stress are necessary tools in any environmental monitoring program. When implementing new monitoring tools in a […]

Lab success at the Postgraduate Research Forum

Congratulations Katelyn!  Awarded the 2013 Best PhD Thesis from the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences.   And further to that success, Keryn Bain received the Best Ecology Presentation Award. Well done Keryn!

Congratulations SEE lab Honours students

As of 12 noon today, our honours students will be released from their desk shackles and allowed back into the sunlight after 10 months hard work in the field and lab to produce excellent theses on a variety of topics.  A wonderful achievement by all. Aria Lee – Reproductive strategy and gamete development in an […]

AMSA Student Night

Great to be invited to the NSW AMSA student night at the Loft Bar, UTS.  Packed house for talks with inspirational scientists Dr Iain Suthers (UNSW), Dr Pat Hutchings (Australia Museum), Dr Stephen Keable (Australian Museum), Claudette Rechtorik (Sydney Aquarium), Dr Gilly Llewellyn (WWF) and Dr Jocelyn Dela Cruz (OEH).  Talks highlighted the diversity of […]

PhD Exit Seminar – Dr Katelyn Edge

Today the lab celebrated the final stage on Dr Katelyn Edge’s PhD journey – the exit seminar.  Congratulations Katelyn for an excellent summary presentation on the efficacy of cellular biomarkers as indicators of anthropogenic pollution. Abstract. The integrity and function of many nearshore aquatic ecosystems are under threat from contaminants. Developing effective and relevant monitoring […]

Meeting and Tweeting

Congratulations Dr Katelyn Edge for an excellent workshop for postgraduate students looking to enhance their professional network and the visibility of their research.  I made a cameo appearance to talk about the importance of online profiles and managing our digital footprints and shadows.

Happy Birthday EJ from the Subtidal Ecology and Ecotoxicology lab!

Associate Professor Emma Johnston celebrates with members of the Subtidal Ecology and Ecotoxicology lab.

Polychaete richness and abundance enhanced in anthropogenically modified estuaries despite high concentrations of toxic contaminants

Katherine A. Dafforn, Brendan P. Kelaher, Stuart L. Simpson, Melinda A. Coleman, Pat A. Hutchings, Graeme F. Clark, Nathan A. Knott, Martina A. Doblin and Emma L. Johnston (accepted 29/08/13). Polychaete richness and abundance enhanced in anthropogenically modified estuaries despite high concentrations of toxic contaminants. PLOS ONE. Abstract Ecological communities are increasingly exposed to multiple chemical […]

48th Annual European Marine Biology Symposium

The 48th Annual European Marine Biology Symposium took place in Galway, Ireland from 19-23rd August and attracted presenters from multiple continents. I presented recent work investigating the effects of multiple stressors on marine communities. Mailie Gall was the recipient of the student Marine Biological Association student prize for her presentation “A tale of two urchins: the […]

Congratulations Dr Edge!

Katelyn Edge hands in her thesis at the Graduate Research School complete with lab entourage!

Core sediment bacteria drive community response to anthropogenic contamination over multiple environmental gradients

Sun, M. Y., Dafforn, K.A, Johnston, E.L., Brown, M.V. (in press) Core sediment bacteria drive community response to anthropogenic contamination over multiple environmental gradients. Environmental Microbiology. Abstract In this study, 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used to investigate sediment bacterial community response to contaminant disturbance across six estuaries with differing levels of […]

Environmental and ecological changes associated with a marina

Rivero, N. K., Dafforn, K.A, Coleman, M.A., Johnston, E.L. 2013 Environmental and ecological changes associated with a marina. Biofouling. 27: 803-815 Abstract Anthropogenic modifications to waterways are common and their ecological consequences must be understood to effectively conserve local biodiversity. The facilitation of recreational boating activities often requires substantial alteration of natural areas, however the […]